Care at Dougherty includes meals in the dining room, cleaning and laundry, as well as assisted personal care and medication management as required.

The residential care is managed by our Director of Care , who has a team of skilled, dedicated and experienced care staff who provide quality care services.

The Health & Lifestyle department also includes experienced Activities staff involved in coordinating the activities and lifestyle aspects of our residential care.

Care staff are present 24 hours / 7 days per week. Medical Practitioners, pharmacists, podiatrists and other specialists visit on a regular basis.

Dougherty has a solid reputation in the industry for providing a high standard of accommodation and care and there is currently a waiting list for our residential care places.

Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) and
Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)

How will residents choose to pay for their accommodation?

New residents will have the choice to pay for their accommodation either as a refundable accommodation deposit (a lump sum, also known as a Refundable Accommodation Deposit or ‘RAD’), an equivalent Daily Accommodation Payment (a periodic payment, also known as a ‘Daily Accommodation Payment’ or ‘DAP’) or a combination of both.

New residents will be asked to agree to the accommodation price prior to, or on admission, and will have up to 28 days from entering care to choose whether to pay the agreed accommodation price by a refundable deposit, daily payment or a combination of both. The DAP is paid unless and until a refundable deposit is paid. DAPs must not be required more than one month in advance.

DAPs can be paid by the resident or drawn down from a RAD the resident has paid to the provider, if the resident has elected to pay a combination of a refundable accommodation deposit and a daily payment.

Residents can choose to draw down daily payments from their RAD. You may also agree to have other amounts drawn down from the deposit.

As per Government Legislation incoming Residents have a choice of payment methods:

  • Full RAD payment
  • Part RAD part DAP
  • Part RAD and drawdown out of RAD for remaining DAP owing

Costs and payments can be negotiated.


See what our residents have to say about us

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